Leapy Bird (2014)

Leap Motion Controller, JavaScript, projector, boombox, and MDF construction.

Inspired by the simplicity and addictive nature of Flappy Bird, what if the player instead had to physically flap their “wings”?

“Leapy Bird” uses a Leap Motion Controller to detect hand placement and a flap gesture, which sends the player’s bird higher. They must avoid obstacles such as green pipes and clouds, but as the game progresses the scenes morph so the player must dodge sailboats, houses, cars, and eventually the baddest boss of them all: Nyancats.

The Leapy Bird installation appeared from 2014-2017 in various incarnations at CODAME ART+TECH art popup events including art parties, private events, and even at a school where youth could draw and animate their own player character.